Casual Sports Jersey: More so than everyone, because he wears a soccer jersey or tracksuit even in situations where most people wear casual clothes, which shows how much of a soccer freak he is.
The Captain / Red Armband of Leadership: He is the captain of several teams, most notably Raimon and Inazuma Japan. But, aside from a few Idiot Hero moments, he isn't exactly stupid and is a huge source of Heroic Spirit. It's implied his grandfather was one too, considering his terrible handwriting. Book Dumb: According to an NPC in his neighborhood and one of his friend's comment, he's not very bright when it comes to school. Blow You Away / Shock and Awe: Thunder God and Wind God manifests two Majins made of wind and thunder. Less so in GO, where he would rather not eat, due to his wife Natsumi being a Lethal Chef. It helps that his mother and most of the managers are excellent cooks. Big Eater: More so in the original series, where he's often seen eating. Beware the Nice Ones: Despite being one of the nicest and happiest characters, nobody should mess with him or anything he loves EVER. Betty and Veronica: The Archie to Aki's Betty and Natsumi's Veronica. In early episodes, the laziness and dismotivation of his teammates also piss him off. Berserk Button: Do not use soccer with the intention of hurting others and don't even think about getting stronger in unnatural methods as opposed to getting stronger through training. Like Tenma he'll eventually won't be able to use those abilities till he learns to do them naturally as well. During the fight against Protocol Omega his multiple timeline selves are able to empower him to the point that he knows God Hand skills he has yet to even learn. A Taste of Power: In universe during GO Chrono Stone. Adaptation Dye-Job: In most of the manga covers made by Yabuno Tenya, he is drawn with green (sometimes cyan) eyes instead of brown like in the games and anime. "No one has more love for soccer than Raimon's fiery captain!" D (Ray Dark) and show him how they don't need him anymore.Voiced By: Junko Takeuchi (Japanese), Sarah Hauser (English, original anime), Maria Darling (UK English, games), Erik Kimerer (US English, games), Carlo Vasquez (Latin American Spanish, anime) In this episode, along with David and Jude, he creates the legendary Emperor Penguin 3 move to defeat Mr. In the next episode he, Jude, David and Mark helped Italy's national team Orpheus in their match with Team K.
In the Asian preliminary finals he finally worked together with Jude and overcame their differences to beat Korea's team.ĭuring the final tournament, Jude and David were thinking that Caleb was in contact with Ray Dark. In season 3, Caleb was selected as a candidate to represent Japan in the FFI (Football Frontier International). He brandishes him nothing but a mediocre player, which demoralised him. However, after they fail to beat them, Ray Dark abandoned him and Redux for not being good enough. In season 2, he set up Royal Academy Redux in Ehime, and recruited David and Joseph to play a match against the Inazuma Caravan using forbidden moves like Emperor Penguin 1 and Beast Fang. Caleb took his mother's words in a twisted sense and joined Ray Dark for power (which is all revealed by Hillman in season 3) When he was a child, his father took the blame for his boss's failure and was forced to resign. In the Aliea arc, he has a red lighting bolt scar on the left side of his forehead. He has brown (and gray) hair in a mohawk and dark gray eyes. He uses peoples' pasts to annoy them to the point of rage when they are in his way and respects almost no one until later on in the story. He brings out the worst of all his teammates, usually forcing them to react by hitting them hard where it hurts. However, most of this personality is a front, as evidenced by the later seasons. He is harsh and aggressive towards everyone he meets.